Pixlie AI

Empower Your Products with Graph-Driven AI

Pixlie AI delivers powerful data analysis through Graph theory, enabling seamless integration of advanced AI into your business without complex development.



How Pixlie AI Works for You

Pixlie AI is a powerful framework designed to seamlessly integrate into your products. By sharing your data and customizing the graph through the API, Pixlie AI manages the entire process for you.

Efficient Data Storage with RocksDB

Pixlie AI securely stores your data using RocksDB, a high-performance storage engine optimized for fast reads and writes, ensuring your data is always available and scalable.

APIs for Seamless Data Ingestion

With simple APIs, you can send your data to Pixlie AI just like you would with a search engine. These APIs handle large volumes of data efficiently, ensuring smooth integration.

Flexible Graph Creation and Management

Pixlie AI automatically creates and manages a dynamic knowledge graph from your data, enabling you to visualize and explore complex relationships across datasets with ease.

AI Model Integration via API Keys

Integrate your preferred Large Language Models effortlessly by providing your API keys. This allows you to leverage the latest AI capabilities in combination with Pixlie’s graph structure.

Entity and Relationship Extraction

Pixlie AI uses advanced techniques to extract entities and relationships from your data, transforming raw information into structured knowledge that enhances decision-making.

Graph Enrichment with Key Insights

Once entities and relationships are extracted, Pixlie AI enriches the graph by adding new connections, making your data more interconnected and improving the accuracy of insights.

Natural Language and API Querying

Whether through APIs or natural language input, querying the graph is intuitive and flexible, allowing you to get accurate answers from your data without complex syntax.

Comprehensive Graph Browsing

Pixlie AI provides an API to browse your entire graph and its related data, offering a complete, connected view of your knowledge base for better analysis and discovery.

See Pixlie AI in Action

Reach out to us for a personalized demo to see how you Pixlie AI can empower your business.